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DeThink Project Consortium Holds Transnational Partner Meeting in Galway to Advance Entrepreneurial Mindset in Secondary Education

The DeThink Project Consortium, a collaboration between six esteemed partners, recently convened in Galway for a transnational partner meeting on 9th May 2023. This gathering marked a significant milestone in the project's pursuit of optimizing secondary school teachers' self-efficacy to foster an entrepreneurial mindset, critical thinking, and creativity among students.

The consortium comprises the University of Galway (UoG) and the Galway Education Support Centre (GESC) from Ireland, EOLAS S.L. (EOLAS) and I.E.S. Javier García Téllez (JGT) from Spain, as well as EDUJI Research & Development, Software Design and Consulting Inc. (EDUJI) and Izmir Province National Education Directorate (IMM) from Türkiye.

During the meeting, the consortium delved into crucial topics central to the DeThink Project, including the development of the "DeThink Curriculum and Syllabus," the creation of engaging and impactful "DeThink Learning Content," and the design of an innovative "DeThink e-learning Toolkit." The partners engaged in fruitful discussions, sharing their expertise and insights to ensure the project's success.

With the goal of enhancing secondary school teachers' self-efficacy, the DeThink Project aims to equip educators with the necessary tools and strategies to foster an entrepreneurial mindset, critical thinking, and creativity among their students. By implementing these skills into the education system, the consortium envisions a future where students are better prepared to navigate the challenges of the modern world and make meaningful contributions to society.

As the transnational partner meeting in Galway concluded, the consortium expressed their collective commitment to the DeThink Project's mission and their anticipation of further progress. The consortium's collaborative efforts are poised to shape a more entrepreneurial and future-ready education system, equipping students with the essential skills to thrive in an ever-evolving world.

For more information about the DeThink Project and its objectives, please visit the official project website (


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